The most famous Japanese in the Middle East

Qatar and Saudi Danko, such as the Middle East major countries in ...

The most famous Japanese in the Middle East Qatar and Danko Iran rebound Saudi such as the Middle East major countries in the terrorism support] Month, Saudi Arabia cut off diplomatic relations with Qatar in all land Kukai decided to break contact with the country. Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Egypt of countries have also announced each diplomatic relations break with Qatar. Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Bahrain is the day, it broke off diplomatic relations as Qatar is supporting terrorism. By coordinated Danko announced, Qatar Islamic organization [the Muslim Brotherhood], and will be accused of that support Iran to conflict with the Saudi in the region is strengthened. Iran criticized the other hand, Saudi visit of playing cards US President led to Danko. Secularism forces based in Yemen and Libya eastern Following the countries also decided to Danko. Saudi Arabia, decided to sever diplomatic relations with Qatar. It has been described as measures necessary to protect the safety from the danger of terrorism and the extremists of the country.

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