The most famous Japanese in the Middle East

Middle East terrorist organizations are not disciplined ...

The most famous Japanese in the Middle East Middle East terrorist organizations are not disciplined gang of young toughs 0 people injured also embassy colleagues people died - Japanese in Afghanistan bombing A large-scale explosion terrorist attacks in Afghanistan Date, vacuum car explosion embarked a large amount of ammunition in the embassy district of the Afghan capital Kapoor center. Seen a suicide bomber. 0 or more people killed, injured 00 or more people, embassies and colleagues people of Japanese also suffered minor injuries. Stan government in Afghan shows a view of the suicide bombings. Mr. T) Afghan explosion, I think Do not know, that [the Taliban] it's [Islamic State], here So you have got various entered into another really fall apart now. Mr. S) we have many entered, but Western Toka not clear and the organization as a fellow of the Japanese organizations. We Innovation Fuwa. Do not members of another organization is doing [you, over there well. It 's out in the form of also work hard or], for example Some guy that do in the al-Qaeda because Islamic countries are doing with [or trying to do is I named the Islamic countries], we are also guys like this feeling.

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